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Hassle Free Business Registration Services

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Company Registration Services in India

India’s dynamic market offers a plethora of opportunities for businesses across various sectors. Our tailored business registration services encompass:

Sole Proprietorship Registration Services

Ideal for individual entrepreneurs, this service simplifies the sole proprietorship registration process, providing a quick and efficient way to start your business operations in India. Entrepreneurs might need specific licenses such as GST registration, depending on the business nature and scale. Our agency assists in navigating these requirements, ensuring a smooth start for your sole proprietorship company registration, from obtaining necessary permits to advising on tax implications, thereby simplifying the path to launching and growing your business in India.

One Person Company (OPC) Registration Services

One Person Company (OPC) Registration in India offers a unique blend of individual ownership and corporate structure benefits, making it an attractive option for solo entrepreneurs who seek the operational flexibility of a sole proprietorship with the limited liability and formal recognition of a corporate entity. Our OPC company registration service is designed for solo entrepreneurs who wish to enjoy the benefits of a corporate entity while maintaining complete control over their business.

Partnership Firm Registration Services

Partnership Firm Registration services in India cater to businesses established by two or more individuals who agree to share profits, losses, and management responsibilities. We facilitate the partnership deed registration and partnership firm registration process, ensuring that all legal formalities are met for a successful partnership setup.

Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) Company Registration Services

Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) Companies in India are designed for businesses seeking the operational flexibility of a partnership with the added advantage of limited liability for its partners. Our LLP incorporation process is streamlined to help you set up a flexible business structure that offers the benefits of limited liability along with the flexibility of a partnership.

Private Limited Company Registration Services

Private Limited Company registration is a preferred choice for startups and businesses looking for growth and flexibility. This structure limits the liability of its shareholders and allows easy shares transfer. Our private limited company registration in India service ensures that your business is set up with the right legal framework for growth and investment.

Public Limited Company Registration Services

Public Limited Company registration is ideal for businesses looking to raise capital from the public through share issuance. This structure requires a minimum of seven members and adheres to strict regulatory measures to protect shareholder interests. For businesses looking to expand and go public, we offer comprehensive services for public limited company registration, ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements.

Section 8 Company Registration Services

Section 8 Company registration caters to non-profit organizations intending to promote arts, commerce, science, education, charity, etc. Unlike traditional companies, Section 8 Companies can operate without the term ‘Limited’ in their names. Our section 8 company registration service caters to non-profit organizations looking to operate for charitable purposes, ensuring they meet the specific legal criteria.

Nidhi Company Registration Services

Nidhi Companies are created primarily for cultivating the habit of thrift and savings among their members, operating within the financial sector. The registration process involves specific compliances distinct from other corporate entities, focusing on deposit and lending activities among members. 

International Company Registration Services

International Company Registration Services

Sole Proprietorship Registration Services

Ideal for individual entrepreneurs, our Sole Proprietorship registration service assists with the legalities of setting up a business owned and operated by one person, ensuring compliance with local regulations and tax obligations in the target country. We guide you through the process of setting up sole proprietorships abroad, ensuring adherence to local laws and customs.

Limited Liability Company (LLC) Registration Services

Our LLC company registration service is designed for businesses seeking a flexible structure with limited liability protection for its owners. We handle the entire registration process, from filing the necessary documents to advising on the operational and tax implications in the host country. Our expertise extends to limited liability company registration in various jurisdictions, providing a flexible and favorable business structure for international operations.

Unlimited Company Registration Services

Though less common, the Unlimited Company structure is an option for businesses willing to accept unlimited liability for debts and obligations. Our service covers the registration process in jurisdictions that recognize this entity type, providing guidance on the implications and requirements.

Partnership Registration Services

We facilitate the formation of Partnership entities, guiding partners through the legal framework, drafting partnership agreements, and registering the partnership in accordance with the local laws of the intended country, focusing on shared management and liability arrangements.

Corporation Registration Services

We offer specialized services for registering different types of corporations in countries like the USA, providing tailored solutions that meet your business needs and goals. Our corporation registration services include: 

C Corp Registration Services: C Corp registration is ideal for businesses looking for growth and investment opportunities without limitations on ownership. As a C Corp, your business can have unlimited shareholders and raise capital through the sale of stocks. Our service guides you through the incorporation process, including filing the Articles of Incorporation, obtaining an EIN, and ensuring compliance with federal and state regulations.


S Corp Registration Services: S Corp registration provides businesses with the benefits of incorporation while allowing profits to be passed directly to shareholders, avoiding double taxation. S Corps have certain limitations on the number and type of shareholders. Our services include assistance with the S Corp election, filing necessary paperwork with the IRS, and ensuring adherence to all S Corp criteria.

Benefit Corporation Registration Services: Benefit Corporations blend profit-making with broader social and environmental goals. Our service assists in registering your business as a Benefit Corporation, ensuring that it meets the legal requirements to operate with a purpose beyond profit, including drafting the Articles of Incorporation that specify the public benefits your company will pursue.

Nonprofit Registration Services

For organizations aiming to operate on a non-profit basis, we provide specialized services to navigate the complex process of registering a nonprofit organization, including filings for tax-exempt status and compliance with state-specific regulations. For organizations aiming to operate for charitable, educational, scientific, or religious purposes, our Nonprofit registration service navigates the complex process of establishing a Nonprofit entity and ensuring compliance with state-specific nonprofit regulations.

Why QA Solvers’ Business Registration Services?
Why QA Solvers’ Business Registration Services?
Global Business Expansion
We facilitate company registration globally, including in the USA, UK, UAE, Dubai, Canada, Singapore, and Hong Kong, streamlining market entry.
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Expertise in Diverse Business Structures
For LLP registration in India, partnership firm registration, or company incorporation, count on our expertise for tailored solutions to meet your needs.
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Global Service Reach
We offer more than just local services. Expand your business globally with our assistance, including company registration in Hong Kong and Canada.
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Comprehensive Incorporation Services
We handle end-to-end company incorporation, managing documentation, filing, and liaising with authorities, ensuring a seamless registration process for your business.
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Access to Professional Consultants
As trusted company registration consultants, we provide competitive pricing and reliable services for new business setups or expansions, ensuring your success.
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Customized Solutions
Recognizing each business's uniqueness, our services are tailored to your objectives, be it tax optimization, liability limitation, or future growth planning.
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Seamless Process
Our experienced team simplifies business registration, guiding you from consultation to confirmation, ensuring transparency and clarity every step of the way.
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Ongoing Support
Our support extends post-registration, aiding with compliance, annual filings, and ongoing requirements to maintain your business's good standing.
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Dedicated Project Manager
Opting for our business registration services grants the unique benefit of a dedicated project manager, ensuring meticulous handling from consultation to completion.
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Common FAQs

Navigating Your Legal Journey – Answers to Your Common Questions

What types of company registration services do you offer?

Our agency provides a comprehensive suite of company registration services tailored to meet the diverse needs of businesses across different jurisdictions. This includes company registration in India, partnership firm setup, private and public limited company incorporation and more, we also offer company registration in countries like USA, UK, Hong Kong, Singapore, UAE and Canada. We cater to various business structures to ensure your venture is set up with the appropriate legal framework.

How long does the company registration process take?

The duration of the company registration process can vary significantly depending on the jurisdiction and the type of business entity being registered. For example, an LLP registration in India might have a different timeline compared to registering a company in Canada. Generally, we aim to complete the registration process as efficiently as possible, keeping you informed at every step.

Can you assist with international company registrations?

Yes, we specialize in both domestic and international company registrations. Our services extend to key business hubs such as Hong Kong, Canada, and other jurisdictions, providing you with the necessary support and guidance to navigate the registration process in different countries.

What information and documents are required for the registration process?

The required information and documents can vary based on the business entity type and jurisdiction. Typically, you'll need to provide personal identification documents for the directors and shareholders, proof of address, a proposed company name, and details of the company's business activities. For specific registrations like an LLP in India, additional documents aligned with the LLP registration process may be required.

How do you ensure confidentiality and security during the company registration process?

We prioritize the confidentiality and security of our clients' information throughout the company registration process. Our agency employs strict data protection protocols and secure communication channels to safeguard sensitive documents and personal information. We adhere to rigorous privacy policies and ensure that all data is handled with the utmost care and discretion, providing you with peace of mind that your business details are secure.